Our Mission
Enabling safe workplaces
through fair and effective redressal of misconduct
At TrustIn, we know safety matters at the workplace- companies and college campuses- where we spend most of our time.
Starting with the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) legislation, our platform encompasses all labor, civil, and service laws to transform the larger safety landscape through fair and effective redressal of workplace misconduct.
We envision fair and effective redressal of workplace misconduct by supporting both survivors and the Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs) of organizations while aggregating existing resources in the ecosystem.
Our Vision
A world where everyone feels safe and empowered to pursue their goals

Why We Exist
Despite good intentions, companies struggle to consistently manage and monitor their POSH implementation end to end.

The current POSH reporting and redressal system has several white spaces. Internal Committee members juggle their full time roles with time sensitive, complex legal workflows. Due to social and personal barriers, employees struggle to access their rights, even when they're aware of them.

Our Solution
With best in class legal and tech frameworks, we're bridging the escalation-adjudication gap and empowering companies to implement a culture of safety, confidentiality, and compliance.
We're also integrating unbiased support structures that enable all employees to educate, escalate, and advocate for themselves.